Quentin Cummings
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Climate Analytics Technical Assistance Lead
Mr. Quentin Cummings is the Climate Analytics Technical Assistance Lead at the Federal Emergency Management Agency in Washington, D.C. He is a graduate of the FEMA Emerging Leaders Program, a former Resilience Fellow, and has served multiple roles within the National Response Coordination Center. He has twice been awarded the FEMA Administrator’s Award, one for Exemplary Emergency Manager and the other for Innovation.
External to FEMA, Mr. Cummings works to advance housing affordability in the state of Maryland, having served as the chair of the Needs Assessment Committee on the Annapolis Housing Affordability Task Force. During his tenure, he instituted new GIS-based methodologies for understanding population and housing needs/projections within the capital city. He is currently working to pass workforce housing legislation.
Prior to joining FEMA, Mr. Cummings served as the Brigade Battle Captain for the 78th Homeland Response Force in Atlanta, GA. He has served combat tours in both Iraq and Afghanistan, and peacekeeping missions in Bosnia. His military service has given him the opportunity to serve as a Counterinsurgency Advisor, member of the Kapisa Provincial Reconstruction Team in Afghanistan, and was attached to the Naval Special Warfare Task Group-Arabian Peninsula in Iraq.
Last updated on: March 16, 2023
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