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Next Meeting:
Recurring Meetings:
Third Thursday of every month
The United States Geospatial Intelligence Foundation (USGIF) establishes the Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Working Group (MLAIWG) to help advance the applications of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence to problems of interest to the USGIF community.
- Near-term hard problems of interest to the USGIF community which might be addressed by ML and AI technologies and methods.
- Current and emerging ML and AI capabilities which have yet to find wide adoption in the USGIF community.
- Improving the productivity of analysts and decision-makers. Finding more efficient ways to keep up with the growing amount of data to be analyzed.
- Identify and address the impacts of ML and AI to community workforce training and development needs.
“What’s Coming: Replacing the Workforce with Agentic AI"
January Guest Speaker:
Todd Brous
Founder, Consultant, and Entrepreneur with over 20 years of multidisciplinary experience in technology, machine learning, and artificial intelligence.
Read Bio
MLAIWG Charter