St. Louis Area Community of Interest
St. Louis Area Community of Interest
USGIF members can email for more information or to join.
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USGIF established the St. Louis Area Community of Interest (SLAC) to bring together professionals from the government (both federal and local), military, industry, academia and community to create lasting educational and community pathways to geospatial degrees, certifications and/or careers in the St. Louis Region.
The community works to support or build new geospatial centric pipelines that integrate and amplify existing NGA efforts designed to educate and train individuals from the greater St. Louis area and surrounding region. The end goal of this work is to grow and sustain a populace within the St. Louis region who possess the necessary geospatial skillsets to qualify for and fill existing and future technical, analytic and management careers.
As a result of St. Louis’ rapid geospatial growth, subcommittees of the SLAC have formed to provide targeted support to areas of need in the region. Learn more about the subcommittees below.
K-12 Subcommittee: Educators, nonprofit leaders, government representatives, industry partners, and community members unite to explore pathways to improving K-12 education in the St. Louis metro area by incorporating geospatial sciences into STEM. This group meets once a month.
Vision: Geospatial literacy in K-12 is a work of generational education, expanding opportunity to the community with equitable access for all.
Mission: The St. Louis Area Community of Interest (SLAC) K-12 subcommittee promotes geospatial literacy opportunities to K-12 students and educators, working to provide increased and equitable access to geospatial knowledge, experiences, and futures within the greater St. Louis area.
* For more information about joining the SLAC’s K-12 subcommittee, please contact Tara Vansell, GIS Instructor/GIS Lab Manager, Human Culture and Society, Lindenwood University at