Enbal Shacham, Ph.D.

Professor and Associate Dean for Research, College for Public Health and Social Justice, Saint Louis University

Dr. Enbal Shacham is a professor and Associate Dean for Research at the College for Public Health and Social Justice at Saint Louis University. She has been intersecting health and geospatial research throughout her career. Her research has explored social and physical environmental factors and their impact on infectious and chronic diseases with the goal of leveraging technological advancements and data to improve health equity. The research she conducts is committed to growing insightful methods to better know and provide real-time data, analyses, and interventions for improving health equity across communities both domestically and internationally. She also serves on the St. Louis City Board of Health and Hospitals.

  • Leverage geospatial technology to identify physical and social environment predictors of health outcomes.
  • Develop and use smartphone apps to better understand real-time behaviors and symptoms, including: CoVID-19 symptoms and locations, mental health symptoms, alcohol and drug use, and sexual behavior.
  • Identify how resources and infrastructure support health outcomes in prioritizing infrastructure investments.
  • Determine access and availability to community resources that interrupt health management (including clinics, pharmacies, food and grocery stores, and public transportation).
  • Train health researchers and practitioners in geospatial applications.

Last updated on: April 19, 2024