Call for GEOINT 2021 Symposium Training Submissions
USGIF is offering the opportunity to conduct training and education sessions during the GEOINT 2021 Symposium

Call for GEOINT 2021 Symposium Training Submissions: USGIF is offering the opportunity to conduct training and education sessions during the GEOINT 2021 Symposium, October 5-8 at the America’s Center Convention Complex, St. Louis, MO.
USGIF individual or organizational members and designated representatives from USGIF collegiate accredited programs may apply to present a one-hour class related to global GEOINT national security-related topics.
The purpose of these training sessions is for geospatial intelligence subject matter experts to provide updates on new matters, applications, technology, policy, and tradecraft of particular interest to our community. All training sessions are learning opportunities for attendees. Verified attendees will receive Certificates of Participation.
There are two training and education categories:
- Technology agnostic: may include (but not limited to) policy, generalized technology, models, methodologies, and frameworks that can be interoperable among various systems.
- Hands-on training: skills-specific training in latest commercial software and/or tools.
While specific organizational software, hardware, and tools are allowed, organizational promotion by presenters will be limited to one introductory slide. Any sales pitch presentations (more than one slide about company and products) will be rejected automatically.
USGIF can only provide basic internet connection – presenters are responsible for finding other solutions to provide access to software and data as well as bringing their own laptops. All participants in a hands-on session will be expected to bring their own computers.
To be considered to present a training class at GEOINT 2021, submit the following required items to no later than Friday, June 4.
Please state which training category are you applying for (technology agnostic or hands-on). If the instructor is not creating the course, please also provide course creator experience/biography and contact information.
Required information:
- A summary of the session (250 words max) to include why this class will be of value to GEOINT 2021 attendees (this will serve as your training advertising description). Training sessions that focus on and clearly articulate how the proposed training fits into the GEOINT Essential Body of Knowledge (EBK) will be given preference.
The summary should concisely describe the proposed training, state its value, and explain why an attendee should attend the session. The instructor(s) should be able to answer the following question: “Why is my course compelling?”
- Learning objectives and needed prerequisite knowledge and skills (if any).
- Instructor/presenter short biography
Failure to include any of the three required items will result in an automatic rejection of the training proposal. Please follow the required format.
Selection Process
USGIF will only review materials of complete application packages. USGIF will notify individuals or organizational representatives on or before July 2nd whether they have been accepted to present at GEOINT 2021.
If Selected
If selected to present at GEOINT 2021, a final draft of training slides must be submitted to USGIF by August 30.
All accepted training providers will be expected to present their final course materials to USGIF. If an individual or organization is unable to attend or submit the final course materials within the August 30 deadline, an alternative training may be selected as a replacement. One instructor (only) will receive complimentary registration to GEOINT 2021. Any additional co-presenters will be expected to register individually or use organization designated registration slots to participate in the event.
USGIF reserves the right to cancel any training at any time. No-show training presenters or presenters who fail to provide adequate training materials for a full one-hour session will be disqualified from future GEOINT Training opportunities.
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