Dr. Alan MacDougall

Defense Intelligence Agency
Director, Science and Technology

Dr. MacDougall was appointed Director, Science and Technology, in August 2022. In this senior leadership role, he leads the Agency’s Technical Collection and Exploitation efforts, and provides oversight for both the Intelligence Community (IC) and the Department of Defense’s document and media exploitation efforts, the Nation’s Measurement and Signature Intelligence, and Foreign Materiel Programs.

From September 2019 -August 2022, Dr. MacDougall served as Director, National Counterproliferation Center, serving as the principal advisor to the DNI, IC, and interagency on all aspects of intelligence capabilities to prevent the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, their delivery systems, related technology and expertise.

From March 2018 – September 2019, Dr. MacDougall served as the Deputy Director, NCPC. From June 2017 – February 2018, Dr. MacDougall served as Senior Executive for Advanced Collection Capabilities on rotation at the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) working directly with NRO Directorates to advance allsource collection management capabilities and NRO’s enterprise multi-INT collection solutions.

From February 2016 – June 2017, Dr. MacDougall served as the Chief, DIA Senior Executive Management Office, responsible for all aspects of senior succession planning, agency senior structure, professional development and performance management. Appointed Director, Asia Pacific Regional Center, in February 2013, he led a highly integrated corps of all-source experts, military capability analysts, DIA collectors, and science and technical officers to provide full spectrum support to defense and national decision makers.

From August 2008 – February 2013, Dr. MacDougall served as Vice and subsequently Deputy Director for MASINT and Technical Collection. He directed the efforts of over 600 intelligence professionals responsible for the conduct of technical collection and MASINT operations, development of innovative technologies and tradecraft, and integrated operational capabilities to meet the technical intelligence needs of the DoD and the IC.

Dr. MacDougall has served in a number of senior leadership positions. Dr. MacDougall was Chief, Community Enterprise Operations for the Deputy Director for Analysis where he was responsible for development and implementation of the Defense Intelligence Analysis Program and overseeing all-source analytic production systems, including those of DIA, the Services, and the Combatant Command Intelligence Centers. He was Chief Counterproliferation Support Office, Directorate for Analysis, from October 2003 – December 2007, responsible for all-source assessment of foreign WMD programs and proliferation of WMD related technology. He also served as Chief, Collection Strategy and Plans from March 2003 – October 2003; Executive Director, Central MASlNT Organization from September 2000 -March 2003; and Chief of DIA’ s Office for Congressional Affairs August 1998-August 2000. Dr. MacDougall was appointed to the Defense Intelligence Senior Executive Service in January 2000; he began his intelligence career with DIA in 1985 as a Soviet/Warsaw Pact military capabilities analyst.

Dr. MacDougall earned a B.A. in Political Science and Russian Studies, St. Anselm College 1981, an M.A. in National Security and Strategic Studies, National War College 1998, and a Ph.D. in International Affairs, University of Massachusetts 1987. Dr. MacDougall’s awards and honors include the President’s Meritorious Service Award) the DIA Director’s Award, the Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) Exceptional Performance Award, and a Director of CIA Meritorious Unit Citation.

Dr. MacDougall resides in Centreville, Virginia, with his wife, Carol.

Last updated on: November 21, 2023