CW4 Augustus Wright, USA
U.S. Army GEOINT Battalion
Senior Geospatial Engineering Technician
Chief Warrant Officer Four Gus Wright was commissioned as a Chief Warrant Officer Two in the Corps of Engineers from the United States Secretary of Defense in 2010. He enlisted in the Army in September 1998 as a 12B Combat Engineer. Chief Wright is married to Wytisha Nicole Wright and they have two children Amaya (20), and Brinden (12).
Educational Degrees: Penn State University – Honorary Postdoctoral Fellow of Earth & Mineral Sciences, MS in Geographic Information Systems, GeoDesign | Landscape Architecture. His thesis was an analysis of Authoritative GIS Data Modernization via Machine Learning Algorithms. Wayland Baptist University – BS in Occupational Education, Specializing in Intelligence Operations.
His assignments have included: Crew serve gunner and Sapper Breach Team NCOIC in the 65th Engineering Battalion, Schofield Barracks, Hawaii from 1999-2002. 4th Infantry Division Tactical Command post (DTAC) Terrain Team NCOIC, 610th Engineering Detachment, Fort Hood Texas 2002-2005. He deployed in support of Operation Enduring Freedom/Operation Iraqi Freedom I. Topographic Sergeant, 25th Infantry Division, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 2005-2007. In 2006, while assigned to the 25th Infantry Division’s 3rd Brigade, he deployed to Iraq in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom V. In 2007, he was promoted to Sergeant First Class and selected to attend the Warrant Officer Candidate School. 3rd Infantry Division G2 Geospatial Intelligence (GEOINT) Cell OIC, Fort Stewart, Georgia 2008-2012. In 2009 while assigned to the 3rd Infantry Division he deployed to Iraq in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom/Operation New Dawn. Direct support OIC of the 60th Geospatial Planning Cell (GPC), USARMY Europe, Weisbaden, Germany 2012-2015. His efforts enabled the 60th GPC to support three COCOMs (EUCOM, AFRICOM, and SOCOM), two ASCCs (USAREUR and USARAF), and two Special Operations Commands (SOCAF and SOCEUR) with combined data collection, analysis, production, dissemination of products and web enabled geospatial services. Army’s Train with Industry (TWI) Student at Harris Corporation with the ENVI (Environment for Visualizing Imagery) software team 2015-2016. While there he authored two job aids: the ENVI Pocket Guide | Volume 1 & 2, and strengthened the partnership by facilitating mutually improved understanding between the Army and our Industry partners at Harris. Geospatial Engineering Course Writer/ Instructor Department of Instruction (DOI) Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri 2016-2019. Senior Geospatial Engineering Technician, US Army GEOINT Bn Fort Belvoir, Virginia 2019-Present.
Source of Commission: Warrant Officer Candidate School (WOCS) at the US Army Combined Arms Center, Fort Rucker Alabama
Military Education: How the Army Runs I Force Management, Warrant Officer Senior Service Education, Warrant Officer Intermediate Level Education, Warrant Officer Advanced Course, the Basic Warrant Officer Course, the Basic and Advanced Terrain Analysis Courses, Basic Combat Engineering Course, Basic Non-Commissioned Officer Course, Primary Leadership Development Course, Air Assault School, and Army Recruiter School.
Last updated on: January 31, 2023