Lt. Col. Josh Hartman
Defense Innovation Unit
Mr. Hartman is the Senior Advisor to the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics (USD(AT&L)). In this position, Mr. Hartman is responsible for supporting the USD(AT&L) in all matters relating to the DoD Acquisition System, including research and development, advanced technology, developmental test and evaluation, production, and logistics, to include logistics policy matters to assist the end-to-end logistics process in delivering technology to the warfighter. He also provides support in installation management, military construction, environmental security and nuclear, chemical, and biological matters.
Mr. Hartman began his career as an Air Force officer. His assignments included: Program Analyst for the MILSATCOM Joint Program Office; Chief of Finance, System Engineering and Acquisition for the Low Earth Orbit Program Office, National Reconnaissance Office (NRO); Chief of Staff for the National System Support (J35), Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Deputy Director for Military Support, NRO; Director, Resource Management, Defense Space Reconnaissance Program (DSRP), Office of Assistant Secretary of Defense, Command, Control, Communications, Intelligence (OASD/C3I); and Senior Intelligence and Research Analyst, Naval Research Laboratory.
Mr. Hartman joined the House Armed Services Committee as a Professional Staff Member in 2004 and advised the U.S. Congress in oversight and policy development regarding U.S. Government involvement in space, intelligence, defense acquisition, missile defense, and cyber operations. He then joined the House Appropriations Committee providing advice for oversight, creating and facilitating of DoD investment, and developing national security policy and strategy regarding space and intelligence.
Prior to becoming the Senior Advisor to USD(AT&L), Mr. Hartman was the Minority Staff Director, Select Intelligence Appropriations Panel, House Appropriations Committee, U.S. Congress. In this position he advised the Congress on all components of the Intelligence community, while managing the resources and developing legislative strategy for reforming the Intelligence Community.
Mr. Hartman grew up in Rock Island, Illinois. He attended the United States Air Force Academy, graduating with a B.S. degree in Astro-physics and earned a M.S. degree with Honors in Strategic Intelligence, with a concentration in Middle East/Iranian Affairs from the Joint Military Intelligence College. He also completed work in the Graduate program of Business Administration at California State University, Long Beach.
Mr. Hartman continues to serve in the Air Force reserve officer.
Last updated on: April 26, 2021
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