LTC Joseph Sawruk, USA
National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
Deputy Army Service Lead
LTC Joseph Sawruk is the Engineer Officer on the NGA Support Team to the US Army.
Prior to his current assignment, he served as the 64th Geospatial Planning Cell OIC supporting US Army Special Operations Command (USASOC) at Fort Bragg, NC. As the Officer-in-Charge of the GPC, he uniquely provided GEOINT support to the Special Forces Regiment across the globe and facilitated the growth of several USSOCOM GI&S initiatives.
LTC Sawruk served as the Group Engineer for 10th Special Forces Group (Airborne) at Fort Carson, CO. As Group Engineer, he advised the Commander and Group Staff on all engineering, construction, facility, master planning, and troop construction projects. Additionally, he facilitated the continued maintenance of the Fort Carson facilities.
LTC Sawruk previously served as a Deputy Area Engineer in Israel for US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Europe District. As the Deputy Area Engineer, he helped manage the workforce and the Foreign Military Sales (FMS) funded projects for the Israeli Navy, Air Force, and Defense Force. The FMS funded construction portfolio resulted in working closely with the Israeli Ministry of Defense and the US Embassy to Israel.
LTC Sawruk commanded Alpha Company, 425th BSTB, 4th IBCT (Airborne), 25th ID while stationed at Joint Base Elmendorf Richardson, Alaska. Additionally, he served as the BCT Engineer while deployed to Khost Province, Afghanistan from 2009 – 2010.
While serving in the 14th Engineer Battalion (Corps Wheeled) at Joint Base Lewis McChord he served as the Executive Officer to the 571st Engineer Company. He also served as a Sapper Platoon Leader in Alpha Company executing route clearance patrols in Mosul, Iraq from 2005 – 2006. His first assignment in the Army was as the Support Platoon Leader to the 14th Engineer Battalion Headquarters Company.
LTC Sawruk possesses Masters of Science degrees in Engineering Management, and Explosives Engineering from Missouri University of Science and Tech. He also received a Masters of Geographic Information Systems from Pennsylvania State University in 2020. He is a graduate of the Army’s Command and General Staff College at Fort Leavenworth.
LTC Sawruk in 2004 earned his Bachelors of Science in Marine Engineering Systems and was awarded the 3rd Assistant Engineer License for Motor, Steam, and Gas Turbines of UNLIMITED horsepower. His commission in the United States Army came from the United States Merchant Marine Academy at Kings Point, NY.
LTC Sawruk decorations include Bronze Star Medal (1OLC), Meritorious Service Medal (2OLC), Army Commendation Medal, Army Achievement Medal. He is a graduate of the Army’s Parachute Course, Air Assault Course, and Space Cadre Course.
LTC Sawruk is married to Lt Col (retired) Rebecca Emerson, US Air Force. They reside in Falls Church City, VA with two boys (Lincoln – 5 y/o, Winston – 4 y/o).
Last updated on: August 9, 2021