MG Michele H. Bredenkamp
United States Army
Commanding General, US Army Intelligence and Security Command
Major General Bredenkamp assumed command of the U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM) on July 16, 2021. As Commanding General she leads 18,500 Soldiers, Army Civilians and contractors located at 180 locations in 45 countries, executing mission command of operational intelligence and security forces; conducts, synchronizes, and integrates worldwide multi-discipline and all-source intelligence and security operations; and delivers linguist support and intelligence related advanced skills training, acquisition support, logistics, communications and other specialized capabilities in support of Army, Joint, and Coalition commands and the U.S. Intelligence Community.
She earned her commission in the Reserve Officer Training Corps. Following the Military Intelligence (MI) Officer Basic Course, she spent her formative years as a Platoon Leader and Executive Officer in Alpha Company, 102d MI Battalion, 2d Infantry Division, Republic of Korea; the Intelligence Officer for 2nd Battalion, 82nd Aviation Brigade, and finally as the Assistant Operations Officer for the 313th MI Battalion, 82d Airborne Division, Fort Bragg.
Major General Bredenkamp commanded the 704th MI Brigade, Fort Meade, Maryland; Targeting Squadron, Joint Special Operations Command, Fort Bragg; and Alpha Company, 524th MI Battalion, 501st MI Brigade, Republic of Korea.
Her Joint assignments include her most recent assignment as Director of Intelligence, United States Forces Korea/Deputy Director of Intelligence, Combined Forces Command, Republic of Korea; Vice Director for Intelligence, J-2, Joint Staff, Washington, DC; and Assistant Chief of Staff, CJ2, Combined Joint Task Force-101 OPERATION ENDURING FREEDOM, Afghanistan.
Major General Bredenkamp’s operational assignments include Staff Officer, Strategic Advisory Group to the Commanding General, later Military Assistant to the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations, International Security Assistance Force, OPERATION ENDURING FREEDOM, Afghanistan; Intelligence Officer, 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82d Airborne Division, OPERATION ENDURING FREEDOM, Afghanistan; Operations Officer, 313th MI Battalion, 82d Airborne Division, Fort Bragg; Plans Officer, G2, 82d Airborne Division, OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM, Iraq; and Assistant Plans Officer, 501st MI Brigade, Republic of Korea.
Major General Bredenkamp holds a bachelor’s degree in Political Science from Spring Hill Jesuit College, a master’s degree from Louisiana State University, and a Master of Military Art and Science from the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College. She is a graduate of the MI Officer Basic and Advanced Courses, the School of Advanced Military Studies, the National Security Agency’s Senior Service College Fellowship, the Joint and Combined Warfighting School, and the National Defense University’s CAPSTONE General and Flag Officer Course.
Her awards and decorations include the Defense Distinguished Service Medal, Defense Superior Service Medal, Legion of Merit (Bronze Oak Leaf Cluster), Bronze Star Medal (3 Bronze Oak Leaf Clusters), Defense Meritorious Service Medal (Bronze Oak Leaf Cluster), Meritorious Service Medal (4 Bronze Oak Leaf Clusters), Joint Service Commendation Medal, Army Commendation Medal (Bronze Oak Leaf Cluster), Army Achievement Medal (3 Bronze Oak Leaf Clusters), Combat Action Badge, Master Parachutist Badge, Air Assault Badge, and the Army and Joint Staff Identification Badges.
Last updated on: February 8, 2023