Hub Coverage

Demystifying the Metaverse

June 27, 2024

Not sure what exactly the metaverse is? Three of the field’s leading minds hash out what the concept means to them, and how they see it unfolding over the next 50 years.

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Ready, Open, and Willing

June 27, 2024

The new face of GEOINT is fresh, full of energy, and adept at identifying the industry’s top problems. With a fierce attitude of openness and collaboration, this new guard of startups and entrepreneurs is already at work developing solutions.

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A Committed Vision for GEOINT

June 27, 2024

In Friday’s Government Hub panel, NGA Moonshot: How It All Comes Together, several leaders involved in the Moonshot effort were on hand to promote capabilities, management and support for the mission.

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Opening Up the NRO

June 27, 2024

During a 30-minute presentation, Pete Muend, director of NRO’s Commercial Systems Program Office, showcased intelligence products made possible by commercial imagery and shared NRO’s biggest challenges.

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The Making of a Mentor

June 27, 2024

They’re visionary, objective, of different backgrounds and most likely working right alongside you: Everything that makes a good mentor was on topic and on display at Monday’s professional panel, “GEOINT Generations in Conversation.”

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The Army’s Force of the Future

June 27, 2024

The U.S. Army plans to deliver actionable geospatial insight to forward-deployed forces as part of its modernization plans.

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Climate Change and the Future of Work

June 27, 2024

On Monday afternoon, at the United States Geospatial Intelligence Foundation’s annual GEOINT 2022 Symposium, a group of esteemed panelists gathered at the YPG Hub to discuss community climate impact and the future of work. Moderator Anusuya Datta, technology and innovation editor at Geospatial World, opened the session by asking Sue Pollmann, west executive at the…

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U.S. Air Force: Converting Data to Actionable Insight

June 27, 2024

The Air Force adopts a new approach to capitalize the possibilities of geospatial insight—without drowning in data.

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Mission: Diversity

June 27, 2024

Because it’s front and center at GEOINT 2022, diversity, equity, and inclusion is front and center across the GEOINT Community, speakers said during a Tuesday afternoon panel in the Young Professionals Hub.

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The Role of User Experience in GEOINT

June 27, 2024

Keeping up with today’s technological and adversarial advancements is one of the geospatial intelligence community’s biggest obstacles. Panelists discussed how user experience can help.

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