9:00-9:15AM | Welcome: Ronda Schrenk, CEO, USGIF
9:15-10:00AM | Opening Keynote: VADM Robert Sharp, Director, NGA
10:00-10:30AM | Engagement Break
10:30-11:15AM | Keynote and Q&A: Leila Gardner, Acting Assistant Director of Intelligence, Deputy Commandant for Information, Headquarters USMC
11:15-11:45AM | Engagement Break
11:45-12:30PM | Panel: GEOINT Support to USN and USMC Operations
A panel of GEOINT experts will share how the Navy and Marine Corps can use and leverage GEOINT products and services—both national systems and commercial capabilities. Topics will include mapping, charting and geodesy, Bathymetry and Safety of Nav, open ocean surveillance, and how these enable maritime operations.
Moderator: Hon. Ellen McCarthy, former Assistant Secretary of State for Intelligence and Research
- Eric Moulton, USMC NGA Support Team Operations Officer
- CAPT Haroun “Rooney” Isa, USN, Navy NGA Support Team Chief
- MSgt James Falco, USMC, Geographic Intelligence Chief, Intelligence Division, Deputy Commandant for Information, Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps
- Ricky Rios, Director of Customer Success, Planet Federal
12:30-1:30PM | Engagement/Lunch Break
1:30-2:15PM | Fireside Chat: Maritime Programs Enabled by GEOINT with Mr. William Flynn, Director for Cryptologic, Electronic, and Cyber Warfare, OPNAV N2/N6
Discussion of maritime programs which rely upon GEOINT for mission effectiveness. The session will cover the kinds of initiatives or hard problems the GEOINT community can help USN and USMC to solve, including “sensor-to-shooter" needs and commensurate challenges. The panel will examine, for example, how USN and USMC are undertaking distributed exploitation of UAV and other imagery and how ONI’s Fleet Imagery Support Team (“FIST”) operates.
Moderator: Carrie Drake, Director, Government Marketing, Maxar
2:15-2:45PM | Engagement Break
2:45-3:30PM | Panel: Disruptive Tech for USN and USMC Innovation
A panel will focus on what kinds of innovative or disruptive technologies are on the horizon to advance USN and USMC capabilities, particularly the need to automate the processing and speed-to-delivery of intelligence. What are the potential mission applications of these technologies? How can the GEOINT community help to automate the processing and speed of delivery to get inside an adversary’s “OODA Loop” to deliver data to our sailors and Marines quickly and reliably? How are the USN and USMC exploring such technologies, either through government R&D or leveraging commercial advances in novel ways? What might the hindrances to adoption of these technologies be, and how can USN and USMC overcome these?
Moderator: Lynn Wright, former Deputy Director of Naval Intelligence
- Hon. Kari Bingen, Chief Strategy Officer, HawkEye 360
- Sam Gray, Executive Director, Silicon Valley Defense Group
- Peter Sforza, Director for the Center for Geospatial Information Technology, Virginia Tech
3:30-3:45PM | Closing Remarks: Christy Monaco, VP of Programs, USGIF
Speakers Include