Ken Miller Scholarship Winner: 2021


Ken Miller Scholarship for Advanced Remote Sensing Applications

Ken Miller Scholarship: Evelyn Burch Jones is an imagery analysis intern for the Department of Defense and is pursuing a MS in Geospatial Intelligence from Johns Hopkins University. Jones recently finished an internship with USAID in GIS, graphic design, and research. Previously, she interned on Capitol Hill and completed a fellowship with a D.C. think tank. She has also contributed GEOINT reports on topics ranging from refugee crises to environmental disasters through the AllSource Analysis Network. Jones is currently researching patterns of land cover change related to forced migration. She will pursue a career in the intelligence community after graduation.

My graduate studies have been entirely different from what I expected. Curveballs such as studying during a pandemic to becoming a mother have caused me to wonder at times if I made the right choice to pursue my education during a challenging period of life. The Ken Miller scholarship is an incredible gift that will fund my tuition as well as several of my technology needs for my research, alleviating many of my concerns. Because of this scholarship, I will be able to work fewer hours and dedicate more time to my coursework, research, and engagement with the GEOINT community.

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