USGIF Endorses White Paper from the NSSA

On October 29, 2020, the National Security Space Association (NSSA) released a white paper from their Studies & Analysis Center, Establish Governance and Align Security Policies and Programs to Enable U.S. National Security Space Missions. 


On October 29, 2020, the National Security Space Association (NSSA) released a white paper from their Studies & Analysis Center, Establish Governance and Align Security Policies and Programs to Enable U.S. National Security Space MissionsUSGIF is proud to announce its endorsement of this valuable document.

“USGIF’s mission is to advance the GEOINT tradecraft and build a strong community among government, industry, and academia. We are proud to endorse this paper, from the National Security Space Association, which provides valuable mission-focused insights.” said USGIF’s Chief Executive Officer, Ronda Schrenk.

The white paper gives NSSA’s recommendations regarding how to establish security governance and align security policies and programs to enable U.S. national security space missions.

Read the document now!

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