GEOINT Service Day to Focus on the Navy and Marine Corps
Don’t miss the second free event in the newly launched virtual GEOINT Service Day Series which will focus on the Navy and Marine Corps June 9.

GEOINT Service Day: The United States Geospatial Intelligence Foundation (USGIF) is excited to host the second free event in the newly launched virtual GEOINT Service Day Series which will focus on the Navy and Marine Corps June 9. The first, held April 28, highlighted the Air Force and Space Force.
“Our nation’s ability to project power overseas, protect freedom of maritime navigation, and participate in humanitarian operations relies upon the U.S. Navy and U.S. Marine Corps. Those maritime services in turn rely upon GEOINT for safety of navigation, operational intelligence, and S&T intelligence in order to successfully execute their missions,” USGIF’s Vice President of Programs, Christy Monaco, said. “We are so excited about this day of dialog between the Navy and Marine Corps and the GEOINT community as a means of continually seeking to strengthen our communities’ ties.”
This full-day event filled with keynotes and panel discussions aims to provide meaningful insight to the geospatial intelligence community on the promise and disruption represented by technological innovation in maritime domains, as well as how Sailors and Marines can leverage geospatial intelligence to defend freedom, preserve economic prosperity, and keep the seas open and free. Notable speakers include:
- VADM Robert Sharp, Director, NGA
- Kari Bingen, Chief Strategy Officer, HawkEye 360
- William Flynn, Director for Cryptologic, Electronic, and Cyber Warfare, OPNAV N2/N6
- CAPT Haroun “Rooney” Isa, Navy NGA Support Team Chief
- Lynn Wright, Former Deputy Director of Naval Intelligence
- And more
The day will begin by outlining how Navy and Marine Corps utilize both national systems and commercial capabilities like mapping, charting, geodesy, Bathymetry and Safety of Nav, and open ocean surveillance; later panels will discuss the programs that rely upon GEOINT for mission success, as well as an overview of the ways in which the geospatial community can help the USMC and USN neutralize a variety of global issues. Additional topics are scheduled to include the exploitation of manned and unmanned aerial vehicles for expedited IMINT collection, the need for and difficulties associated with the automation of intelligence processing, as well as how the US government is managing research and development of technology.
View the agenda and register free for the Navy and Marine Corps GEOINT Service Day.
In case you missed the first virtual Service Days installment highlighting the Air Force and Space Force, view the session recordings here. The final Service Day, August 11, in the series, will focus on the Army.
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